The city of memphis pipe band


pipeband in memphis, tennessee, united states

From parades and pubs to concerts and small gatherings we bring distinction to your unique event. The City of Memphis Pipe Band was formed to contribute to the civic and cultural betterment of Memphis, Tennessee through the teaching, promoting and performing of traditional bagpipe and drum music. ​ The band is available for hire… From solo pipers for weddings, funerals, and any number of celebratory events, to mini bands or even the full band for a parade or corporate event. THE BAND IS AVAILABLE. ​ Interested in learning the bagpipes or drums? Our members strive to uphold this long standing tradition to the highest of standards while mixing in the heart and soul of Memphis and we need our community to help keep it alive for years to come. We are currently looking for new pipers and drummers and offer free weekly lessons.



Map Marker is an approximate location

the city of memphis pipe band

  • memphis, tennessee, united states
  • # 7231
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