Ross Bagpipe Bag

ross bagpipe bag
  • January 1, 1

Geoff Ross has been involved in bagpipes since 1968, and in that time has competed in solo and band competitions both locally and abroad for many years. He had the good fortune of being taught by the great Bill Boyle whilst living in New Zealand, and it was through the inspiration of Bill Boyle, Donald Bain and other great pipers that lead Geoff to take a special interest in bagpipe tone. Geoff has a very fine ear for tone, but it was through the frustration of finding it so difficult to maintain a consistently high standard of tone while playing traditional reeds and bags, that he sought new innovative ways of achieving this.

Ross Bagpipe Bags Pty. Ltd. is a name that has become synonymous with quality bagpipe bags. In 1985 Ross Bagpipe Reeds Pty. Ltd. produced the world’s first synthetic drone reeds, and soon after introduced the Canister Pipe Bag. Our bags and reeds have been strongly endorsed by soloists and bands throughout the world, and we are happy to acknowledge that our products have playerd a vital role in the improvement of quality and stability in bagpipe playing, which was, and has always been our objective.

We thank you for taking the time to explore our web page, and trust you find it to be of some interest. If you need any further assistance, feel free to contact one of our dealers as listed on the ‘suppliers’ page, or else contact us directly for any other advice.


Map Marker is an approximate location

ross bagpipe bag

  • cranbourne, victoria, australia
  • # 2326
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